A person’s level of functional mobility The International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) is a universal classification published by the World Health Organization (WHO) to provide a standard language and framework for describing health and disability (WHO 2001). “Mobility” is a category under the components “Activities and Participation” and is relevant to determine when choosing the best solution for an in-bed system. The level of the problem is listed from 0 (No Difficulty) to 4 (Complete Difficulty) in ICF Standing on the shoulders of ICF, ICIDH and RAI, LOCOmotion (Knibbe & Knibbe) from The Netherlands developed the MK5 concept and the associated assessment tool TilThermometer almost 20 years ago 1 . In MK5 the functional mobility of the resident is classified into five levels (A, B, C, D and E) based on the resident’s limitations and possibilities to cooperate during the transfer. Below you find a description of the five levels of functional mobility, and we will refer to these levels throughout this guide when suggesting appropriate product choices. 1 www.tilthermometer.com Level A Client can independently perform the action, with or without equipment, and without risk of physical overload for the healthcare workers. Stimulating self-reliance is of great importance. Level B Client needs help, but this does not cause physical overload for the healthcare workers. Stimulating self-reliance is of great importance. Level C Client needs help. This causes physical strain for the healthcare workers when equipment is not used. The client can however substantially contribute to the action. Stimulating activity and self-reliance is of great importance. Level D Client needs help. This causes physical strain for the healthcare workers when equipment is not used. Client is very passive and can barely contribute. Stimulating activity and self-reliance remain of great importance. Level E Client needs a lot of help. This causes physical strain for the healthcare workers when equip- ment is not used. Client is completely passive. Stimulating activity is not a priority: comfort and safety are the main concerns. www.etac.com Immedia In-bed systems 3
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